The Tomorrow People is a children's science fiction television series, devised by Roger Price which first ran between 1973 and 1979. The show was re-imagined between 1992 and 1995, this time with Roger Price as executive producer. A third incarnation that ran between 2001 and 2007 saw a return to the original conception and characters, but this time produced as a series of audio plays by Nigel Fairs for Big Finish Productions. All three incarnations have been cancelled mid-run.
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Serie de televisión teóricamente para niños, tipo "La dimensión desconocida" que personalmente cuando la vi en Australia en el año 2003, me quedé medio traumatizado de lo terrorifica que era. Y eso que es para niños. Si un día tengo un hijo, jamás le dejaré ver esta serie mientras sea menor de edad.